Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Reason #23

Several months ago we discussed that you were going to eventually need a second file cabinet because yours was quickly filling up.  We even discussed what type of file cabinet you wanted - one just like the current cabinet, that way they would fit nicely next to each other in that space and it wouldn't block the view out your windows.

And even though you're a notoriously messy person who has crap laying all over her desk and around her desk and on the floor by her desk and all over the top of your filing cabinet, you suddenly got a burr in your saddle and you needed that filing cabinet now.   You and I emailed about it; I assured you via email that I had put in the request for your filing cabinet; the Office Manager confirmed via email we were getting it.

So we put the cabinet in your office, I put your files away, all is well in your messy office, oui?

Mais no!  Someone else in the office says that you are now saying you never said you wanted a file cabinet, you just wanted some boxes.  And you don't want that file cabinet, you want a bigger, taller one.  Uh, should we have a formal hearing on this so I can testify to you and I discussing not only that you wanted a file cabinet but exactly what kind you wanted?  And then as Exhibit A we can produce the emails wherein we all discussed your desire to have a file cabinet?

Where's that pencil? I need to stab myself in the eye.

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