HER: I will have a letter I am now dictating before my noon lunch that I will email to you for formatting that I'd like after lunch so I can get it right out the door...I don't know when you go to lunch. Please let me know when you do lunch usually and days that changes. TX
ME: Ever since I started working with X, I have no "usual" lunch time. It always just depends on what our work load is on any given day.
HER: OK then each day I need you to please advise when you will be taking lunch when you know. At worst, please tell me when you leave and come back. TX
(Six minutes later...I'm not exaggerating)
HER: so when are you taking lunch?
You told me to notify you when I knew I was going to lunch...so if I haven't notified you in the last SIX MINUTES then I probably don't know yet when I'm going to lunch. And now I have to tell you every day that I'm going to lunch and I have no idea why I need to do this.
You do not have such pressing work that you need to know my whereabouts at all times. Even my litigation attorneys who do have pressing work such as court filings, don't make me tell them when I'm going to lunch. If we're in the middle of a project I might say something like "I'm going to grab lunch while we're waiting on such and such." But in general, they don't keep tabs on me because they don't need to. So I'm not exactly sure why you need to. But whatever.
Like HR said, I should pick my battles with you. You just better hope that when I do pick a battle, I'm not armed with nuclear weapons.